Saturday, April 26, 2008

Paramedics please...

Life has been crazy lately. I've been super busy, and I love it! Well, for the most part. I've been playing a lot of softball. It's been pretty great! I love my team, the sport, and the exercise that goes along with it. You can't beat that! Last night's softball game went a little different than usual. For the good news...I hit a "home run" and got 3 people home not including myself. Bad news, I supposedly didn't touch first base and I was out! Not cool! I totally touched first base! Later, I was on second base and definitely in the moment of the game! I twisted my knee and fell to the ground in a lot of pain! Okay, I have felt pain like that before but never as instant as it was last night. I was carried off the field but eventually was able to get back on my feet. My knee hurts pretty bad today, but definitely bearable! After all that, we won!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad it was bearable enough to help me carry that desk today. LOL! Thanks!!!