Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I accomplished a lot tonight. More than I ever thought I could in one night after work! I cleaned (as in swept, sanitized the entire bathroom, dusted, vacuumed, etc), cooked (which is something I rarely do!), baked cookies, did laundry, and set up my new DVD player! Okay, the only big deal here is the cooking part. I don't cook! Don't get me wrong, though, I can whip up a mean bowl of cereal, an awesome grilled cheese (just ask Kattie), and even some great pancakes! Tonight I made something random! It involved meat, vegetables, and for the random part....cream of broccoli soup. To me, that's random! I'm not too creative in the kitchen, but I was proud! I didn't use a recipe! Nope, just my ideas! Anyway, it actually tasted pretty good! I was impressed! I would have preferred a bowl of cereal with sliced banana instead, but oh well! 

Not exactly pandemonium....but I like that word! :)

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