Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Praise the Lord!!

Well, it's Wednesday and Catalyst not only met their goal, they surpassed it! What a cool thing to be able to share with people! God is so BIG and He can do BIG things! Catalyst is such a blessing, it would be horrible if this church could not continue due to money! 

This "scare" has forced me to really think about who I am investing in. Am I really making it a point in my everyday life to get to know the people around me that don't attend church? Am I praying that God make me more aware of these people? What am I doing to invest in their lives, and then eventually invite them to Catalyst? I never used to invite friends to church and to be able to have a place I know I can invite an unchurched friend to and not have to apologize is a huge blessing!! Why would I want to let that opportunity pass me by?! 

I am going to pray for more unchurched friends. Not only will I pray for me to recognize those people in my life, but I will pray for you as well! Don't let this opportunity pass you by! 


Anonymous said...

That is freakin' awesome! We're going to be talking about this soon!

Anonymous said...

great post jennifer! thanks for everything you do for catalyst!