Thursday, January 31, 2008

I think I can! I think I can!

I received a phone call today about the nanny position. I got the job!!!!!! I am so excited! After I took it and screamed (inside), I realized how stinkin' hard it's gonna be! I think I can do this, though. With God's help and my mom and Julie's advice, I think it can be done. Like I said before, it is definitely going to be a challenge. Two infants at one time!? I would gladly welcome advice if you'd like to share! I am excited that I will be with the twins from birth, though. I think that will be a good thing.

I have to go take a CPR training class at American Red Cross. I'm pretty excited about that. I can't believe, in all my years babysitting, that I never took the class! How did those parents trust me with their children?! I will feel much better about caring for infants once I have gone through the training. 

Have I mentioned that this is probably going to be the best (hardest) job ever?! YAY!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Shifting Focus

I realized earlier this week that I am too focused on me. I also realized that I am not investing in other peoples lives. Whether that be a churched or unchurched person. A new friend or an old friend. I must be doing these things. It's extremely important to shift my focus off of me and onto God! And in doing so, I end up caring more about what God cares about! 

This week I have been praying and really trying to put God first. It's not an easy thing to do. To allow God to change your way of thinking. To allow God to show you what is most important in life. It truly has brought me one step closer in my relationship to God, and I am giving Him all the props for that one! 

When your relationship is right with the Lord, everything else seems to "fall into place" like it should. Life is a million times better when you aren't focusing on yourself! That can stress a person out!!

FYI - I am by no means finished growing! God's not done with me! I don't have all the above completely together in my life...just so you know! :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Plastic Surgery

Are you happy with the way you look? Would you do anything you could to have the perfect figure? Or the perfect complexion? Almost anyone would, right? I am watching VH1 about what celebrities do to have the "perfect" body. It's ridiculous and sad at the same time! Exercising is one thing (a healthy alternative), but surgery to enhance, hide, or get rid of something you don't like?! Yeah, it's nice to look and feel good, but why do we go to such extreme measures? Do we do it so that others will notice us more? Do we think that we will be better in the eyes of the world if we look unnatural!? Seriously people! It's not that important! 

Yes, exercise, eat right, and definitely care about the way that you look, but not in an unhealthy way. God made you the way that you are and you don't need to change that. If I created something and "it" changed the way that "it" looked, that would hurt my feelings! 

So, take care of yourself, but trust that God knew what He was doing the first time!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

What matters most?

I was reading something the other night and it lead me to Matthew 6:33, "and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." I have read this verse many times but for some reason I never understood! I've always thought that I don't get what I desire because I am not good enough or maybe I'm not in God's will. What I realized the other night is that my problem doesn't necessarily lie in one of those two things. I believe that I am too focused on myself and the desires of my heart rather than on God's kingdom and what He desires.

It's really not that hard. All I have to do is shift my focus a little bit - off of me and onto God. Forget about the things that I want. Forget about the life I wish I had. Stop worrying about the future and how God is going to give me the things I desire most. He's got this and He won't let me down! So, I want to make Him proud! It's time to focus on God's Kingdom! Isn't that what matters most?!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


There are a few men in my life that deserve an apology for my previous post. You know who you are! I am not giving men enough credit, really. What would we do without men?! Well, too many to mention to be honest! So, to all men out there (even the ones that I said are pigs), you really aren't that just have your moments.

So, with that said, I truly am very sorry. It was a tad bit harsh! Don't you ever just have a moment?!

Humpty Dumpty

If you were wondering if I was right in my blog "Women seeking MEN...not boys." You no longer have to wonder because I was right! Yes ladies, all (or most) men (or boys)are pigs! Don't get me wrong, we have our faults, too! We are too trusting! That's just one of many, but we have good reasons for most of! Men cause us to say stupid things, do stupid things, and pretty much act like a fool!

Do you ever get down in the dumps and wonder why God has allowed these things to happen to you? I have! Do you ever just throw your hands up in the air and say, "Why me, God?!" I do! Do you try to figure out what God is up to exactly? I do!

I've come to find out that God has a much bigger plan than I can imagine. He knows what's up! He's not afraid to let us fall down and get hurt. He's always there to pick us up and put us back together again! (a little humpty dumpty wisdom)

The moral of the story is - trust God no matter how tough life gets!

Monday, January 21, 2008


Today is not a good day! I called in sick this morning. I woke up at 6am and felt horrible! It has only gotten worse as the day has gone on. Right now I'm , but my head is pounding and my belly aches (if you know what I mean). I can't say that has kept me from eating! Probably not the right thing to do when I am sick to my stomach! Oh well! I wanted my sandwich!!

It was kind of a blessing to my roommate Kattie. She was leaving for work as I was getting up around 11 and her car would not crank! Well what a great day for me to stay home sick...she was able to take my car! I'm so glad God works things out like that!

Alright, back to watching CNN.

Saturday, January 19, 2008


I just got the word that we are not having church tomorrow due to possible weather conditions. I am a little bummed. I was excited about being able to go to church this Sunday. I mean, after seeing what God did this week at Catalyst, I really wanted to be able to go! I still cannot get over what God has done and how He has provided a way for Catalyst to continue to exist and change lives. GO GOD!!! :)

CCer's, sleep in tomorrow! Enjoy time with your family! As for me, I will hopefully still be able to take my favorite 6 year old to Build-a-Bear!

Friday, January 18, 2008

My Friday

What a great day! I had my second interview today and it went great! We ordered lunch from Soby's on the Side...which is now my favorite place!!! They asked a lot of questions, and I talked a lot! Typical interview but we had a good time getting to know one another and it was very comfortable. I gotta tell ya, this could probably be the best job ever! I get to be around children, golden retrievers, and a pool all day! I get to travel with the family and get paid for it! Italy here I come! I mean really, what could be better?! Anyway, they are going to call me in two weeks with their decision. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, and hopeful!

After my great interview and a few more hours at work, I was able to spend the evening with four of the coolest people! We talked, we laughed, we ate Moes, and watched Frasier. Yes friends, it was fun! Do you have those kinds of friends? The kind that no matter what you do, you have a great time? It truly is a blessing!

Now I am back to dogsitting, watching 20/20, and looking forward to getting some sleep tonight! It is supposed to snow tomorrow very early in the morning and what a blessing it would be to NOT have to work! Not that I don't enjoy working at the store (Southern Housepitality), but I miss my Saturday's! Oh well, I will still have fun!


Thursday, January 17, 2008

Nanny Diaries

Tomorrow is a very exciting day for me! About a week and a half ago I had an interview for a nanny position in Greenville. It has been a very fast process, which I love! Tomorrow I go for the second interview where I will meet the wife/mom who will ultimately make the decision! :) I'm pretty nervous about the position itself, mainly because she is pregnant with twins! It's not that I don't think I can handle infants, but TWO?! At one time!? I'm excited about the challenge but whoa!? I don't think it will be too hard, though. I mean, once I get a routine down I will be fine, right? Well, hopefully I will be able to find out!

Come back tomorrow to find out how it went! :) 

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Praise the Lord!!

Well, it's Wednesday and Catalyst not only met their goal, they surpassed it! What a cool thing to be able to share with people! God is so BIG and He can do BIG things! Catalyst is such a blessing, it would be horrible if this church could not continue due to money! 

This "scare" has forced me to really think about who I am investing in. Am I really making it a point in my everyday life to get to know the people around me that don't attend church? Am I praying that God make me more aware of these people? What am I doing to invest in their lives, and then eventually invite them to Catalyst? I never used to invite friends to church and to be able to have a place I know I can invite an unchurched friend to and not have to apologize is a huge blessing!! Why would I want to let that opportunity pass me by?! 

I am going to pray for more unchurched friends. Not only will I pray for me to recognize those people in my life, but I will pray for you as well! Don't let this opportunity pass you by! 

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

"Women seeking MEN"...not BOYS!

Is there a time when a boy turns into a man? I mean really! Is it so hard to be a man? I'm asking because I obviously do not know the answer to that. From my point of view it looks to be a very difficult task. Now, I'm not speaking about all of the male species, just most. I do know a few real men. Men who aren't afraid to take chances. Men who will treat women with love, respect, gentleness, appreciation, etc. Do you (women) ever just get frustrated with men? Whether it be a friend, boyfriend, fiance, husband, or whatever? How do you deal?! Giving up is not the answer, but it seems to be the easiest option!!

Monday, January 14, 2008

One More Day!!

Well, this is my first blog ever and what better to post about than Catalyst Church?! There is ONE more day before our goal must be reached! That might worry some people, but I'm not worried at all! I know that God can and will provide the money that we need and more. Right now we need $10,000 compared to the $35,000 that we needed just one week ago! It's amazing how much God can do when people all over are praying BIG and giving BIG! God is doing tons of things at Catalyst and not just with money! If you want to know more or just want to find out what Catalyst is all about go HERE

Please continue to pray BIG! God's not finished!!!