What a great day! I had my second interview today and it went great! We ordered lunch from Soby's on the Side...which is now my favorite place!!! They asked a lot of questions, and I talked a lot! Typical interview but we had a good time getting to know one another and it was very comfortable. I gotta tell ya, this could probably be the best job ever! I get to be around children, golden retrievers, and a pool all day! I get to travel with the family and get paid for it! Italy here I come! I mean really, what could be better?! Anyway, they are going to call me in two weeks with their decision. I'm excited, nervous, anxious, and hopeful!
After my great interview and a few more hours at work, I was able to spend the evening with four of the coolest people! We talked, we laughed, we ate Moes, and watched Frasier. Yes friends, it was fun! Do you have those kinds of friends? The kind that no matter what you do, you have a great time? It truly is a blessing!
Now I am back to dogsitting, watching 20/20, and looking forward to getting some sleep tonight! It is supposed to snow tomorrow very early in the morning and what a blessing it would be to NOT have to work! Not that I don't enjoy working at the store (Southern Housepitality), but I miss my Saturday's! Oh well, I will still have fun!