Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Truth or Dare?

Dare please!

I am watching The Moment of Truth and sometimes I want to change the channel! The questions they ask are way too personal! How could you, knowing the questions they have to choose from, ever agree to participate?! Obviously we hope that you have some good answers that will not risk relationships, but do you think they would choose you to be a contestant if you didn't?! NO! They want the ones who can get some Oooohs and Aaaahs from the audience!

The girl on right now is doing pretty good, because she has pretty good explanations. I mean, it doesn't change the truth, but it helps cover it up a little. Would you really risk everything that mattered in life for a few thousand dollars? I could never! Especially if I knew the truth was hard to say/hear.

So....truth or dare?

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