Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shout out!

I want to give a shout out to some of my favorite people. These few people are my heroes in a way. They make me take a step back and realize what is most important in life. They are faithful, courageous, hard-working, and believe that God is up to something BIG! They are some of the most humble people I know. They are not looking for praise or a "shout out," but I want them to know they are appreciated. Individually their lives produce great amounts of encouragement (to me). I'm not sure if that statement makes sense, but I'll go with it anyway. These people are the people that God uses to make Catalyst Church happen. The staff and their spouses have incredible passion and child-like faith! So, here's to you Casey, Julie, Jake, Kristi, Ryan, Sarah, Ryan and Courtney! Here's to you!

I am praying for each of you!


Anonymous said...

Hey Jennifer! Thank you! That means a whole lot.

Anonymous said...

thanks jennifer! we really appreciate you, too. thanks for the encouragement!

courtney said...

thanks jennifer! your encouragement means more than you know!! :-)

kristimiller said...

Thanks Jenn, you're awesome =) !