God is so amazing and so BIG! I always knew He was/is HUGE, but Louie Giglio helps me begin to understand just how magnificent God is. When you hear that Earth - our huge world - is only a small part of the Milky Way Galaxy and that the Milky Way Galaxy is only a small part of God's universe, you begin to see how big He is and how small you are. Go check out Louie Giglio's, Significant Insignificance.
I can't comprehend all of it. I see the pictures and hear the facts but I can't wrap my small brain around it. God made me and loves me, yet I am so small compared to His world. It's sometimes hard to believe but that's where faith comes in. I cannot know everything about God. I cannot understand how God can make the world we live in (and the universe) in 6 days! If you try to picture how that looked when God spoke everything into being, you eventually give up. God is BIG, we aren't supposed to know everything!
"'To whom then will you liken Me that I would be his equal?' says the Holy One. 'Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars, the One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, Not one of them is missing.'" Isaiah 40:25-26