Monday, March 31, 2008

I am small....

God is so amazing and so BIG! I always knew He was/is HUGE, but Louie Giglio helps me begin to understand just how magnificent God is. When you hear that Earth - our huge world - is only a small part of the Milky Way Galaxy and that the Milky Way Galaxy is only a small part of God's universe, you begin to see how big He is and how small you are. Go check out Louie Giglio's, Significant Insignificance.

I can't comprehend all of it. I see the pictures and hear the facts but I can't wrap my small brain around it. God made me and loves me, yet I am so small compared to His world. It's sometimes hard to believe but that's where faith comes in. I cannot know everything about God. I cannot understand how God can make the world we live in (and the universe) in 6 days! If you try to picture how that looked when God spoke everything into being, you eventually give up. God is BIG, we aren't supposed to know everything!

"'To whom then will you liken Me that I would be his equal?' says the Holy One. 'Lift up your eyes on high and see who has created these stars, the One who leads forth their host by number, He calls them all by name; because of the greatness of His might and the strength of His power, Not one of them is missing.'" Isaiah 40:25-26

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Movin' on up!!

Today was the BIG moving day! Thank you Casey, Brant, Jake and Kattie! I owe you some mardi gras wings!!!! As much as these guys did today, I owe them more than that! We got everything onto the trailer and there were black clouds and lightning all around us! I had been praying all day that it wouldn't rain, but knew God might have other plans (and He did). So, I ran to K-mart to get some tarp. The 30 minute drive turned into almost an hour. We stopped several times - at a car wash, then at a bank drive-thru - to fix the tarp. Lots of laughter and tears....well almost tears on my part!  I don't have a bed to sleep on tonight, but that's okay. The good part is we had fun anyway! 

Praise God for friends....and rain!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shout out!

I want to give a shout out to some of my favorite people. These few people are my heroes in a way. They make me take a step back and realize what is most important in life. They are faithful, courageous, hard-working, and believe that God is up to something BIG! They are some of the most humble people I know. They are not looking for praise or a "shout out," but I want them to know they are appreciated. Individually their lives produce great amounts of encouragement (to me). I'm not sure if that statement makes sense, but I'll go with it anyway. These people are the people that God uses to make Catalyst Church happen. The staff and their spouses have incredible passion and child-like faith! So, here's to you Casey, Julie, Jake, Kristi, Ryan, Sarah, Ryan and Courtney! Here's to you!

I am praying for each of you!

"I love rock-n-roll!!!!

Put another dime in the juke box baby!"

I love music! I could listen to music 24/7! I'm not necessarily the person who "finds" great musicians. I'm not the girl who "hears it first" among my friends. However, I am beginning to find things on my own (not necessarily first). The only reason is because I have started watching/listening to VH1 in the morning as I get ready for work. They play some great music during that time. Here are just a couple of artists that I enjoy (whether it's one or all of their songs):

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
Yael Naim - New Soul (MacBook Air Commercial)
Paolo Nutini - Million Faces
Ingrid Michaelson - The Way I Am

Go check them out if you haven't already!

No way!!

22 So, I never knew there were 238 colors like Jake pointed out. I tried it, and I didn't do as well as he did! See if you can beat my score, or Jakes score of 26! Let me know how you did! I want to see how many colors you really know! It's pretty crazy how many different names they have! Click on the picture above and take the test!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Celebrate Good Times....COME ON!

So, my birthday is March 23. Yes, that is Easter this year! I know that's exciting, and I don't doubt why, but my mom made it a point to remind me a hundred times that my "birthday is on Easter this year!" Well mom, you aren't the only one that has gotten excited about that! :)

I love my birthday for many reasons. Want to hear them?!

1. I was born!
2. It's in the Spring! (best season ever!)
3. March is just a happy month!
4. My birthday usually lasts about 1 1/2 to 2 weeks!
5. Gifts! Who doesn't enjoy a gift(s) on their birthday!?
6. I get to choose where I have my birthday lunch...and I choose....drum roll please...

So, I'm going to start the celebration!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Busy busy bee!

Busy, busy weekend! Friday I packed, helped my roommate move some of her stuff, went out to dinner, and then tried to go dancing (there was too much rap music!). Saturday I went to lunch with my future employers (for the nanny job), then sat in a basement to stay safe from all the tornadoes, drove to Atlanta (in the storm) for a wedding and danced 'til my feet hurt! It was some kinda fun! I got 5 hours of sleep, got up and went to church. Left church early and went to meet my old roommate and her husband and child for lunch. I also went on a little walk tonight, which was much needed! Oh yeah, and in the middle of all that, I am dogsitting and trying to pack for my big move! 

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stealing Cinderella

Last night was so much fun! I finally got out and did something exciting! Might I was FREE! Yes, it was a FREE concert @ the Blind Horse Saloon last night! Whiskey Falls, Chuck Wicks, and Trent Tomlinson. As we were walking up to get in line, Chuck Wicks was standing by the buses giving out autographs and posing! I got a little picture with him. Yes, he's pretty good-looking! We had a great time!
We also ran into a friend from church...who is a bouncer at the Blind Horse. Yes, I felt rather safe!
Anyway, we had fun and I am definitely going back! Can't wait to go line dancing! Yes, you heard me! I love line dancing! I am a country girl at heart!
Thank you WSSL 100 for giving a free concert!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Truth or Dare?

Dare please!

I am watching The Moment of Truth and sometimes I want to change the channel! The questions they ask are way too personal! How could you, knowing the questions they have to choose from, ever agree to participate?! Obviously we hope that you have some good answers that will not risk relationships, but do you think they would choose you to be a contestant if you didn't?! NO! They want the ones who can get some Oooohs and Aaaahs from the audience!

The girl on right now is doing pretty good, because she has pretty good explanations. I mean, it doesn't change the truth, but it helps cover it up a little. Would you really risk everything that mattered in life for a few thousand dollars? I could never! Especially if I knew the truth was hard to say/hear.

So....truth or dare?

Monday, March 3, 2008

Ugly Duckling

"But the Lord said to Samuel, 'Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.'" 1 Samuel 16:7

What a great verse! The Lord says so much in these few sentences he spoke to Samuel. This verse was a constant reminder of God's love for me, no matter what I looked like on the outside. Somehow this verse got covered up by a lot of the material things in my life. I began caring about what others thought of me by changing the way I looked. I changed my hair and actually took time (too much time) fixing it every morning. I began wearing more make-up to cover up the things I didn't like about myself. Of course, I am not going to go back to what I was before by not caring about myself and my appearance. I think it's okay to fix your hair and put on make-up. The only problem is when it becomes more important to you than anything else. 

God does not worry Himself with the way we look, so why should we? He only cares about the heart. If we are right with the Lord, our appearance doesn't matter to Him.

Be careful when you begin judging people by their appearance. I am sure you had a time in your life when you were the one being judged (MS/HS?). Stop. Think before you speak. What really matters?

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14