Thursday, July 24, 2008

"Moveing sale!"

Just thought I should share my experience today. I was driving through a little town called Berea, just outside of Greenville. If you've ever been there you already know where I might be going with this. It's a quaint little town. The roads are lined with beautiful trees and flowers that will take your breath.... yeah never mind! I can't get away with that! It was definitely not a picture perfect scene!  I was a little lost so I turned around. On my way back I saw a sign that said "Moveing Sale! Saturday 7-12." I thought that was just a misspelling...nope! There was another one, an even bigger sign that said, "Moveing Sale! Saturday 7-12." So, it was definitely not a mistake! Haha! Oops!

Just wanted to share! :)


Kate said...

I think you are hatin' on Berea! I growed up there when I was little! haha =)

Jenn said...

haha!! thank you for backing me up on this! :)

Anonymous said...

okay, don't feel bad about getting lost in Berea.... that 10:00 class I was supposed to be attending this morning. Ummm, I got lost. So, I ended up at they YMCA in Easley. Good thing you decided against meeting me there..... hehe!

Jenn said...

okay, i don't feel bad! thanks! you have no've been there before!!! haha! ;) i'm so glad you told me, though!