Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Where do I spend my time?

I spend a lot of time with people who don't go to church. I spend a lot of time talking about things not related to church or God. I spend a lot of time thinking about those people who don't go to church.

I spend time with people who go to church. I spend time talking about things relating to church or God. I spend time thinking about those people who go to church.

What do these things have in common? Church or the lack thereof. Me. People. God.

What is the first one lacking? No invitation! I'm not inviting as often as I should be!

What is the second one lacking? Quantity! I'm not spending enough time with those people!

All of these things are very important in some way or another. You must spend time with people who don't go to church. If you don't, how will they hear?! You must also spend time with people who do go to church. If you don't, how will you learn and grow?! There has to be a healthy balance in these two areas of your life. I have been struggling with this lately. I see the results of not spending enough time with those people who lift me up with encouragement, godliness, wisdom, and prayer. Everyone needs that in their lives, no matter who they are!

Start (or continue) investing! Start (or continue) inviting!

It's rewarding! Trust me!


Anonymous said...

Jennifer, great thoughts. Yes, there is has to be a balance. I don't think it's 50/50. I think it changes from day to day. But you need both in your life. With unchurched people, you have to include the invite. Just ask. And when it comes to churched people, I think it's important to identify the right people to spend time with. It's not quantity, it's quality.

Jenn said...

Casey, I definitely agree with you...on everything! It's not necessarily quantity, your right. As long as the quality is good, that's what matters most.

Jenn said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenn said...

I meant...."you're right." not "your right"!!!! I really don't spell that bad! =)

Anonymous said...

good stuff, jennifer... i like the way you're thinking.

i'm really enjoying your blog!