Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Extra! Extra! This just in!"

Do you know that new song by Britney Spears called "Piece of Me"?? Well, I for some reason really like that song although I'm not too fond of Britney herself. Tonight I listened to the lyrics really close and it made me feel sorry for her. It really is the truth. No matter where she goes or what she does, they get pictures of her and probably write stories that are stretching the truth as much as possible. Although I don't agree with what I think she is doing with her life (since who really knows), I still feel sorry for her. No one, no matter who you are, should be treated with that much disrespect.

Britney, if you're reading this (which I doubt you are), be strong! Don't let the paparazzi put pictures of your derriere in the magazine!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Where do I spend my time?

I spend a lot of time with people who don't go to church. I spend a lot of time talking about things not related to church or God. I spend a lot of time thinking about those people who don't go to church.

I spend time with people who go to church. I spend time talking about things relating to church or God. I spend time thinking about those people who go to church.

What do these things have in common? Church or the lack thereof. Me. People. God.

What is the first one lacking? No invitation! I'm not inviting as often as I should be!

What is the second one lacking? Quantity! I'm not spending enough time with those people!

All of these things are very important in some way or another. You must spend time with people who don't go to church. If you don't, how will they hear?! You must also spend time with people who do go to church. If you don't, how will you learn and grow?! There has to be a healthy balance in these two areas of your life. I have been struggling with this lately. I see the results of not spending enough time with those people who lift me up with encouragement, godliness, wisdom, and prayer. Everyone needs that in their lives, no matter who they are!

Start (or continue) investing! Start (or continue) inviting!

It's rewarding! Trust me!


I had CPR training at the Red Cross today. It's a requirement to be certified for my nanny job. It was a little strange! There was only two people in the class and we had to practice the Heimlich on each other! Okay, can you say weird?! It is very good to be certified in CPR, but at the same time I am now responsible for someone if they are choking or unconscious. Kinda scary to think that at anytime, wherever I am, I could possibly save a life...or not! It hopefully will never happen, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared, right?!

I really would recommend that everyone go to the Red Cross and get certified. What are you waiting for?! Go!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


So, tonight is the first night of Inside Out (Catalyst's student ministry) Small Groups and I am pumped! God is doing so much at Catalyst and I'm beginning to see that in the student ministry! It's amazing to see where God is taking us. I hope and pray that this environment for students can be irresistible and that lives are changed! Please pray for us tonight! God is answering prayers and I am pumped!

Note: I normally don't use the word "pumped," but I kinda like it!

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Refrigerator madness....

I went to the refrigerator this morning to get ice for a glass of water. The ice was melted and at room temperature!!! The lights were on but the refrigerator was not cold and the freezer wasn't freezing like it should be! My roommate and I were gone all weekend so who knows how long it's been broken. Long enough for a whole thing of ice to be melted I guess! So, it doesn't sound like the apartment complex is going to reimburse us for our food. They think somehow we broke it. Way to take responsibility! 

Funeral procession...

Today on the way home from church I literally got in the middle of a funeral procession! It was like a Seinfeld episode! I was pulling out onto a 4 lane road and ALL of the cars were in one lane to the far right. I was completely confused by the situation...I didn't see any flashers at first! Then, I didn't know whether to pass everyone (like other cars were so rudely doing) or get in behind the line and wait for my turn. Well, I got in behind what I thought was the back of the line! Nope! Another car...oh wait two more cars came up behind me with their flashers on! Embarrassing moment for me! I felt like the worst person on earth! I was laughing, not at the fact there was a funeral happening and the people around me were sad, but at the fact that I had no idea what to do! Is it like when you see an ambulance? Are you supposed to pull over when there is a funeral procession in progress? 

Sunday, February 3, 2008

1 Samuel 7:3

"If you're turning back to the Lord with all your hearts, you must remove your foreign gods and your idols of Ashtoreth. You must give yourselves fully to the Lord and serve only Him. Then He will save you from the Philistines."

Need I say more?!