Thursday, October 23, 2008

It's official...

...I'm moving!! I know what you're thinking (that is if you know me) and if you're thinking I'm crazy, you're probably right!I know I've only been living in my apartment (on my own!) for 7 months, but I think it's time to share the...the...the whatever the word is! <---- (I do that often) This apartment has been great! I've loved living on my own, but I'm tired of it! :) I also want to help out a good friend of mine and her husband. This apartment is super cute, large enough for two, and definitely worth every penny - which isn't much at all!

Where am I moving?! In with my best friend, Shannon! Yep! I'm pretty excited about it if you couldn't tell! It's coming a lot sooner than I had expected, too. I am moving in THREE WEEKS! I have to get to work packing! It's amazing how your stuff can grow in just 7 months. I started out with only bedroom furniture and now I have a whole apartment full of stuff! Wow!

Alright, I'm off to pack! Oh, not for that...I am going to Jacksonville, FL this weekend!!


Unknown said...

WHAT?!?! We definitely need to catch up..., but I guess not this weekend after all since you'll be in FL. Have fun, be safe, and I hope to see you and talk to you soon.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you're going to have a really cool roommate! :) lol